Could you be an online expert and not even know it? The word "expert" has a lot of connotations attached to it and its most meaningful definition often depends on who's interpreting it. For some, an expert is a person with a PhD and years of experience in some field. For others, an expert is a person who has generations of experience in a particular field and a myriad of influential contacts. What about you? What qualifies a person as an expert in your eyes? Is it a written book? Is it an impressive record of live seminars or speeches? Is it simply being able to consistently solve a problem?
In my opinion, an expert in "something" is someone who can consistently solve a certain type of problem no matter how differently that problem presents itself. If you agree, and you have the same problem-solving skills, you too, may be an expert. Even better, you may be an *online* expert if you have a knack for consistently solving problems related to online issues.
How good are you at getting rid of Wordpress bugs? Do people always ask you for help with their MySQL problems? How about CSS issues? Do you spend a lot of your time answering emails and forum questions about this part of web design? It doesn't matter whether you solve problems as complicated as systems networking or as simple as formatting email, if you help others on a regular basis, it might be time to not only redefine your role, but to take advantage of it as well.
Set up a blog and introduce yourself. Put an informational resume online if you don't have a professional one and link to all the places where people can find you on the Internet. Upload a few articles a month and provide a space where people can publically get answers to their questions. In doing just these few things, you'll carve out a small area of the internet where people can and will refer others for help (as opposed to you chasing them down in forums, chat rooms, social blogs, etc.).
We're all an expert in something, and it may be high time you recognize the expert in you. Fortunately, setting up a serious online presence is one way to emphasize that expertise. Enjoy it!
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