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Friday, October 29

Our Affiliate Marketing Story

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Today, we started to experiment with affiliate marketing. We had heard mixed reviews on affiliate marketing but decided to take the plunge and see what all the fuss was about! We wanted to test it and see whether our readers enjoyed seeing targeted adverts or whether they got in the way when reading our posts. We were also confused on the issue as we enjoy focusing on reading, yet if we see an ad for something we may be after or want to investigate, we will click on it, as it may benefit us, its human nature! 

We anticipated that it would take us a few hours to sign up, agree to all the terms, wait for our account to be set up, find our way around the control panel and get on our way to implementing them on our website! We signed up with Affiliate Future which took around 25 minutes, a pleasant surprise for us! The control panel is very easy to use, its a simple process to simply choose a merchant, view the programme details and then implement the banners onto the website. We must say that all the banners that they have on their are very good quality and were already coded so it was a simple cut and paste job!
As we did each ad, we saved out blogger template and watched our affiliate marketing section on our sidebar take shape and start to look very useful! We joined the programmes that we thought would entice our readers so we added merchants that specialised in web technologies and gadgets (who doesn't love these!) in under an hour. The most time that was spent was us deciding the affiliates that we should use. We felt that this shouldn't be rushed as it could cause unwanted adverts on our website. If you are thinking about affiliate marketing, please do take your time as it will be beneficial in the long run! 

Affiliate Marketing Tips
So in much less than 2 hours, we were set up with an affiliate account, chosen our programmes and successfully implemented the adverts on our website. 

We are now going to test this over the next few weeks/months and compare the data. From what we have seen, the reports that are provided by Affiliate Future is very good. They provide data on clicks, cancelled transactions, traffic from each ads and successful leads. 

So, to summarise we are very happy with how long it took us to implement this from start to finish! Now, we wait and see the results that await! Make sure you have a look at affiliates and give us your feedback as always at hello@reviewmonsters.co.uk on the ads that we have chosen!


Adam K. said...

Great post, we started using Affiliate Future and have already started earning some great commissions. We like your choice of adverts shown. Keep up the good work guys!

Make Money Online said...

We use Affiliate Future and they are fantastic, we have a really enjoyable experience each time we use them for our money making website.

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