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Monday, March 14

Tiny Wings iPhone App

Tiny Wings is a new and exciting game to the App Store. You are a small bird with a tiny set of wings sleeping in your nest at the start with an ambition to start flying.

But like any bird, you wish to fly! Tiny Wings allows you to awake your bird and take him on an adventure over a fantastic selection of islands (graphics are superb!), teaching him how to fly and judge hills, etc.

The game physics are very nice and it only takes a few tries before the gameplay becomes very smooth and natural to you. This is due to the helpful instructions at the start of the game.

We have been playing Tiny Wings for a few days and are still very interested in playing it. This is unusual for us as we are often losing interest after a few days! 

Please check out "Tiny Wings" on the App Store today, you will only have to see by its chart position, reviews and screenshots that this game has the making to be one of the best games of the year!

Review over, back to playing Tiny Wings! Click here to check out Tiny Wings!


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